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College of International Education
来源:     发布时间:2019年03月25日    点击数:

The College of International Education is a secondary teaching unit of our university. It is mainly responsible for the enrollment and education of international students coming to China, and is also responsible for the development and management of Sino-foreign Cooperative Education Programs and short-term international student exchange projects. The college takes the opportunity of the Chinese National Strategy “Belt and Road” initiative and gives full play to the geographical advantages of the Heilongjiang Provincial Strategy “Longjiang Silk Road Belt” initiative. Relying on existing featured majors and disciplines, it enrolls undergraduate international students, and implements management and services that is similar with Chinese student administration. For the short-term Chinese language advanced student program, a “1 + 4” integration training model of language and professional knowledge for foreign student has been established. So far, over 60 foreign students from more than 10 countries and regions have come to our university to study. The college has been actively carrying out Sino-foreign Cooperative Education Programs with the University of Greenwich in the United Kingdom, the University of Western Illinois in the United States, and the Karelia University of Applied Sciences in Finland. At present, it has trained more than 3,000 students. In addition, the college has established friendly inter-university relations with more than 30 universities and institutions in the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Russia, New Zealand, Finland, Japan, South Korea and other countries.

下一篇:2019Heilongjiang Institute of Technology International Student Admissions Guide
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